News Olympic Weightlifting QATAR 2023

IWF Grand Prix II, Day 10 Recap – Men’s 109 kg results


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The tenth day of the Grand Prix II in Doha brought us eye-catching performances in the Men’s 109-kg category. Twelve athletes set a target to win the medal in every session and up the podium. However, only the most endurable and resilient ones managed to catch success and defeat their weaker rivals by pushing their limits behind.

Highlights of the Category Men’s 109 kg: Azerbaijani Dadashbayli Rocks the Podium Among Heavyweights

This competition day was memorable as the Men’s 109-kg weight category showed the following numbers: the leader became Dadashbayli Dadash from Azebaijan who got a gold medal in Snatch of 176 kg, Clean&Jerk of 212 kg, and 388 kg in total. Although, he did more kilos in total than today: at the World Championships in Riyadh, he got 403 kg in total, but finished third with a complete bronze set in Snatch and Clean & Jerk.

Dadashbayli Dadash
Dadashbayli Dadash at IWF Grand Prix II, photo by

The second place moved to a lifter from Kyrgyzstan Rasulbekov Bekdoolot who performed a total of 381 kg, 162 kg in Snatch, and 219 kg in Clean&Jerk. Looking back at his prior accomplishments, he was a silver medalist at the World and Asian Championships. He managed to improve his results since the Summer Olympics in Tokyo by 7 kg.

Bronze went to Taniela Rainibogi from Fiji who lifted 170 kg in Snatch, 210 kg in Clean & Jerk, and in total, he gained 380 kg. Just to remind you of some of his previous accomplishments: he’s a bronze medalist at the Oceania Championships and Commonwealth Games competing in the 96-kg weight category.

New Straps V2 - WBCM

Besides today’s favorites, the Austrian lifter Martirosjan Sargis managed to take bronze in Snatch by lifting 166 kg at the second attempt. However, it was his only win today.

Let’s overview the list of medalists in the Men’s 109-kg weight division. These heavyweights did their best to win medals in each session:

  1. Dadashbayli Dadash took 2 golds in Snatch and totals.
  2. Rasulbekov Bekroolot won gold in Clean & Jerk and silver in totals.
  3. Rainibogi Taniela won silver in Snatch, bronze in Clean & Jerk, and bronze in totals.
  4. Martirosjan Sargis secured bronze in Snatch.

Subscribe and follow our channels to be ready for tomorrow’s culminating competition day. On the last competition day of the Qatar World Cup, we’ll watch the last two super heavyweight categories – Men’s +109 kg and Women’s +87 kg. Witness the great moment of the last Top 3 weightlifters in each category who will increase their countries’ chances to qualify for the Olympic Games in the summer of 2024.

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Tanya Shaiko

Author: Tanya Shaiko
News Editor, Olympic Lifting Enthusiast

Oly Lifting Experience: 6 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 61 kg,
C&J – 78 kg

I’m Tanya, and I just can’t do without fitness. About six years ago, I got into Olympic weightlifting and instantly fell in love with it. Weightlifting is like no other sport – it’s just you versus the bar. Driven by my unwavering passion for an active lifestyle, I’ve been eager to share my personal journey and sports enthusiasm with others. As a journalist and photographer, my interests come full circle, adding an extra dimension to the news column that I curate. This way, I keep my readers updated with the latest happenings in the sports world.

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