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12 Ab Roller Benefits: How Effective Is It?

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An ab roller is among the most basic pieces of equipment for strength training. There are multiple ab roller benefits, from it helping you develop ab muscles to your being able to perform a variety of exercises with it.

An ab roller is an amazing tool that works your core and upper body. There are many ab roller benefits, and to look further into it, it helps develop the muscles along your spine, lats, delts, chest, biceps, and triceps along your core.

Main Ab Roller Benefits

What Muscle Does Ab Roller Work?

Every fitness enthusiast wishes to have a ripped body with abs showing. But, the journey is indeed difficult as you are advancing and becoming better, stronger and getting acquainted with using complex machines at the gym.

One such piece of equipment is an ab roller, but it is a magical tool since it is highly effective and has various benefits. Best of all, it works out your entire upper body, it makes your core stronger, and also helps in improving balance and stability of your spine.

As the name suggests, an ab roller helps work your abs out. It also targets your hip flexors and transverse abdominis muscles while you perform the exercises. Since it requires your spine to be stable, it works out most of your upper body, including your chest, delts, back, and arms.

Tips From the Champ

Rolling in and out is an anti-extension exercise, which requires good core strength to do properly. If you’re a novice, slog through planks and crunches to hit that foundation first. Then, you can move onto the wheel. And here are a few tips to remember.

Oleksiy Torokhtiy
Oleksiy Torokhtiy

Olympic Weightlifting Champion

12 Ab Roller Benefits You Should Know 

You mightโ€™ve seen ab rollers in your gym. And chances are theyโ€™re not as popular as weight benches or dumbbells. But thereโ€™s a reason this basic apparatus has stood the test of time. There are plenty of benefits stomach rollers bring to your workouts.

An ab roller will help you in strength training and the development of your core muscles. You can use it for home workouts and even for intense sessions in the gym. If you want to know the answer to the question, โ€œAre ab rollers effective?โ€ The answer to that is yes.

Our ab muscles are extremely important, and having a six-pack isnโ€™t the only good thing about them. A strong core helps protect the body against back pain, and for athletes, it helps improve their performance in sports.

Training abs with ab roller

Many people think of an ab roller as the king of all equipment. For those who donโ€™t know how do ab wheels work, it is a piece of equipment like a wheel with handles to the side of the wheel.

You have to grip these handles as they roll outwards while you perform crunches or situps. You can even use it while you stand and perform ab exercises. All in all, an ab roller makes ab exercises much more effective.

Ab rollers are extremely useful, and there are numerous ab wheel benefits that make them such a helpful tool. To dive deeper, here are some benefits of ab rollers that show ab roller effectiveness in the best way. Lastly, please note that although an ab roller is a great workout tool, it requires a lot of practice and technique to avoid injury and strain.


โœ… Improve Core Strength

That is perhaps the most significant benefit of an ab roller. Since you have to work on keeping your spine stable while performing the exercises on an ab roller, it directly improves core strength. Also, it improves the balance, which is another great quality.

Everyone will benefit from an iron core: weightlifters, runners, gym freaks, and weekend warriors. Although rectus abdominis (aka six-pack abs) is the most common part, the midsection also consists of deeper oblique and transverse muscles. Rolling your way to the visible abs will recruit them as well.

โœ… Full Body Workout

The benefits of an abs wheel don’t stop at core muscles. In fact, rolling out and back in engages a lot more muscle groups, including arms, back, glutes, and hips. To do the rollouts properly, you need cohesive control of your body.

Abs rollers are a compound exercise apparatus. Meanwhile, you end up with superior stability and balance in both the upper and lower extremities. Even more so, you can set aside posture problems. Keeping the spine straight throughout the movement will reduce the risk of back, shoulder, and neck pain.

โœ… Highly Effective Exercises

An ab roller workout is always going to be tougher than performing standard crunches or sit-ups, which means that an ab roller workout is going to be the better option for increasing strength and building muscle.

When you talk about what muscle does ab roller work, it basically targets your entire core, helping you build the six-pack youโ€™ve always wanted. Many studies have also proven that an ab roller produces more core activity than the traditional sit-up.

โœ… More of a Compound Equipment

For those who want to make the best use of an ab roller by using it to work all the muscle groups, theyโ€™ll do just that. Not only will you be burning fat with an ab roller, but youโ€™ll be doing that while also intensely working out your core, delts, and arms. Hereโ€™s a brief of what all it works:

  • Ab roller muscles worked: Core, shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, lats

All in all, using an ab roller makes muscle targeting pretty simple as compared to using machines that target a specific muscle group at once or isolating your core with sit-ups.

Ab roller exercise

โœ… Cardiovascular Benefits

While an ab roller majorly targets the upper body, it also puts the lower body muscles to work, and since youโ€™re performing an integrated movement where youโ€™re rolling the wheel to and fro, it will keep your heart rate in the elevated range.

Therefore, youโ€™ll also be burning some serious calories and working on your endurance while performing an ab wheel workout.

โœ… Beneficial for Joints and Ligaments

Your ab roller indeed strengthens your upper body muscles and core, but it also works your lower back muscles. Since you have to maintain your posture while performing exercises on an ab wheel, youโ€™ll also be working your ligaments and joints, which will make them more stable over time. Since theyโ€™ll be highly stable, they wonโ€™t be that prone to injuries.

โœ… Burn Calories

Strength exercises are rarely touted as cardio. But the abs roller involves constant forward and backward movements. Heart rate and blood flow spike up! They don’t only burn fat, but calories too.

โœ… Easy to Carry

Unlike gym machines that arenโ€™t portable and other exercise equipment that could be carried, but itโ€™s always a hassle, an ab roller is lightweight and compact. Therefore, carrying it in your gym bag and taking it with you wherever you go is going to be a breeze.

Even if you arenโ€™t near a gym, but you have an ab roller with you, you wonโ€™t need a lot of space to perform an ab roller workout. Therefore, not only is it portable, but it also saves you money, space, and time.

For those who are looking for an intense ab workout that they could instantly begin at their homes without a lot of space, an ab wheel is your best bet.

โœ… Good for Increasing Blood Flow to the Brain

Thatโ€™s not commonly heard, but itโ€™s true. Since you have to keep your head and back straight and you have to maintain that position for a long period of time in an ab wheel workout, it keeps the blood flow going in these areas. It is good for the brain cells as they are being constantly supplied with oxygenated blood.


โœ… Tones the Tummy

An ab roller has so many benefits that are correlated to this, itโ€™s obvious that it will help you get rid of belly fat. Thereโ€™s no spot reduction involved here, but an ab wheel workout will certainly boost your bodyโ€™s metabolism, which will help you burn more calories.

While it strengthens your core, youโ€™ll also be losing stubborn belly fat, which is why these are highly recommended for reducing fat.

Using ab roller at home

โœ… Improves Posture

If youโ€™re recovering from an injury or suffering from pain in your joints and muscles, then an ab roller can be very useful for you. It makes your back stronger and increases stability, which will also improve your posture.

โœ… One Of The Most Effective Ab Exercise

San Diego University commissioned a study with the American Council on Exercise, finding out the top 13 exercises for your abs. And abs rollers were there before traditional crunches, as you’d expect. Most above-ranking exercises, such as Captain’s Chair and Bicycle Maneuver, need hefty investment and space.

In short, you can achieve faster results with an ab roller wheel than doing sit-ups, planks, and crunches. You donโ€™t have to splurge or set up a large establishment. You can also pack this petite pilate instrument to take wherever you want.

3 Drawbacks Of Using Ab Rollers

โŒ Learning Curve

Mastering the ab roller isnโ€™t really easy, as it requires a great deal of balance, patience, and of course, core strength. Youโ€™d have to push through a lot of pain, which means that although itโ€™s a great tool that targets all the muscles, itโ€™s not the easy way out. Thereโ€™s no easy way out in fitness.

โŒ Could Lead to Injury

An ab roller is something that will make you less prone to injuries, but if you donโ€™t use it properly and donโ€™t take care of the form, youโ€™ll be more prone to injury. So, it is always best to perform these exercises under expert supervision until you learn how to properly use an ab wheel.

โŒ Could Be Ineffective

The logic is simple. If your form is perfect, youโ€™ll reap the benefit of an ab roller. But if it isnโ€™t, then it wonโ€™t be that helpful for you. You need to make sure that youโ€™re performing full reps in the perfect form. Only then will you see good results, given that youโ€™re consistent and your nutrition is also on point.


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How To Use Ab Rollers Right?

Rolling in and out is an anti-extension exercise, which requires good core strength to do properly. If you’re a novice, slog through planks and crunches to hit that foundation first. Then, you can move onto the wheel. And here are a few tips to remember.

Ab roller home workout

1. Watch Out For Your Form

Tighten your stabilizers to feel the stress on the abdominal muscles. Think of an imaginary plank on your back, keeping you flat from head to hips. Make sure not to hyperextend. Donโ€™t let elbows curl or knees bounce in the same pattern. 

Also, control your breathing. Inhale when rolling out and exhale on contracting to the starting position.

2. Roll Into A Wall

The farther you extend, the more activity your abs record. But don’t get overhyped, as a weaker core can pass that pressure onto the lower back. Another mistake newcomers can make is speeding up mid-exercise with huffs and puffs. You can try rolling into a wall or some other heavy obstacle for a controlled movement.

3. Progress Gradually

Itโ€™s essential to get the technique right. So, start slow. Do one round of three to five reps. Keep the distance short early on. Once it gets easier, extend the range of motion. Move away from the wall until you donโ€™t need one. Lastly, increase repetitions or double the sets’ quantity. Aim for at least two days of weekly abs training.

4. Alternative Exercises

No matter how much you diet and bike, lift and run โ€“ results take time. So stay committed. Each exercise has multiple iterations, alternating knees, adding resistance bands, or using one arm.

Following are a few exercises, ranked according to their difficulty level.

โ€ข Ab Wheel Planks

It’s the introductory movement with an abs roller, where you practically perform planks but with the wheel. It works your entire core and teaches you how to grip the handles. Try to balance your weight in a straight position for 60 seconds, wheel and toes touching the ground.

โ€ข Ab Wheel Pikes

If you have an abs roller with straps, do pikes to train your lower back muscles before jumping to the signature rollouts. They’re simple. Start with a tabletop plank with shoulders, elbows, and wrists in a straight line. Pull the roller in as the hips create a V-shaped arch.

โ€ข Kneeling Rollouts

Level up the core game. It requires comfortable knee pads or a mat. Take it as a transition exercise from beginner to advanced level. Start on your knees with a tight core. Extend your arms as you slowly roll away. Challenge yourself to the optimal distance. Pause and return!

โ€ข Oblique Rollouts

Once you can easily do 25-30 kneeling rollouts, it’s time to spice up. You’ll roll out sideways instead of straight to engage your obliques. Push the wheel away to your left. Return! Do this again towards the right. It’ll create a ‘V’ pattern. Start with the half or quarter range.

โ€ข Standing Roll-Outs

The ultimate challenge! This variation shouldnโ€™t be done early in the career. Here, you wonโ€™t roll out on your knees. Rather, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend downward in a controlled fall until suspended by the wheel touching the ground. Roll forward and backward.

What To Look For In The Best Ab Wheel?

There are two types of decision criteria: product and personal. Look for the build quality and texture of the wheel. Then, toss your requirements to find the best ab roller for your fitness arsenal at a reasonable price.

1. Stability

As you mightโ€™ve noticed in ab wheel reviews, manufacturers have a different approach when it comes to the rollerโ€™s size and shape. The primary consideration should be stability, so the wheel doesn’t shake or wobble when you drag it across the floor.

Some models attach a pair of wheels or a single extra-wide wheel with over 3โ€ of diameter and flat edges to help you learn the movement. 

A rubber lining ensures better traction on tiles and hardwood floors. Some ab-wheels include bushings for seamless spinning. However, going for a broader coverage has a trade-off. Such wheels are hard to operate sideways, restricting the roller’s versatility.

2. Ergonomics

An ergo grip sets apart the best ab roller from the one you wonโ€™t pick up after the first trial. Look for the outer texture, thickness, and padding of the grip. When you push it against the body weight, a lot of stress acts upon your wrists. Cushions can alleviate it to a great extent. But don’t go overboard to bring squishy handles home.

The shaft (crossbar that slides in the wheel and connects handles) should be of metal โ€“ steel or aluminum. Then, the wheel itself determines the lifespan. Cheaper plastic breaks and bends, which leads us to the last factor: max weight capacity. 

Check out the weight rating before falling for looks or the price tag. If it breaks amid the workout, you can get injured.

3. Training Style

Everyone will find the best ab wheel in a different product. It depends on your personal needs and fitness level. If you arenโ€™t going to crush your core workout frequently, you donโ€™t have to buy the most expensive and the most robust option out there. 

The same is true for smooth surfaces. A basic design with round edges and 300 lb of capacity will work just fine.

On the other hand, advanced athletes might want to add more resistance to the rollouts. They’ll prefer thorough kits. Knee pads are the norm. But resistance bands can make a significant difference in cost.

The Importance of Using a High-quality Ab Wheel

When the question is, โ€œdo ab wheels work,โ€ the answer is that they all do, but you need to make sure that your form is correct and the product youโ€™re using is of good quality.

The thing about ab wheels or any other fitness equipment is that theyโ€™re all made from different materials. It is why it is essential to conduct your research and then purchase an ab wheel according to your budget and requirements.

For instance, you need to make sure that the center of the ab wheel is metallic since that will handle your weight and not break down while performing exercises. Next, an ab wheel with foam covering on the handles would be better for you to grip. Similarly, there are various other aspects to consider that make an ab wheel high-quality.

Recommended Ab Roller


EnterSports Ab Roller
  • Material: Stainless Steel, Plastic
  • Item Weight: 4.3 lbs
  • Max Weight Capacity: 600 lbs
  • Item Dimensions: 12.6โ€ x 6.7โ€ x 6.7โ€
  • Color(s): Black, Red
  • Product Benefits/Use for: Core Strength, Full-body Workout
  • Items Included: 1x Ab Roller Wheel, 2x Push-Up Handles, 2x Resistance Bands, 2x Knee Pads

Talking about high-quality ab rollers, we highly recommend using this ab wheel kit from EnterSports. Best of all, it is an entire kit that also includes knee mats, push-up bars, and resistance bands. Considering the price, youโ€™ll be getting the best bang for your buck with this purchase.

Enter Sports Kit brings a sturdy abs roller. Its 3.2โ€ณ wide profile has more coverage on the ground, which is suitable for both professionals and beginners.

Additionally, the metal crossbar follows a foam padding to keep hands from slipping when doing vigorous exercises. It minimizes injury risks. Itโ€™s also made detachable for storing flat. You can easily pack it into your gym bag to take your workouts with you.

Although itโ€™s a great standalone product at this price, it doesnโ€™t come alone.

Youโ€™ll get push-up bars. They boost the range of motion, alleviate pressure on wrists, and optimize chest growth. Moreover, a pair of bands shot up versatility. You can add resistance to your push-ups and rollouts.

The ab roller is strong enough to withstand 600 lbs, as it has a stainless steel shaft. Also, itโ€™s pretty easy to set it up and carry it around in a gym bag or wherever you go.

Ab roller vs. Other Exercises

Now, there are many exercises like crunches and planks that greatly work the core, but letโ€™s directly compare them with an ab roller and see which exercise has the upper hand.

1. Ab Roller vs. Plank

If youโ€™re comparing ab roller vs planks, Iโ€™d say that itโ€™s pretty much similar, mainly because your spine needs to be stable in both conditions. But, since ab rollers are generally harder than the traditional plank, ab roller gets the edge here. It will work your abs better, and if your goal is to have an advanced ab workout, an ab roller is the better option.

2. Ab Roller vs. Crunches

Now that weโ€™re comparing ab roller vs crunches, whatโ€™s good about crunches is that theyโ€™re extremely popular and, of course, easy to perform. Theyโ€™re easier than planks, and certainly, theyโ€™re easier than an ab roller.

However, if youโ€™re looking to have an intense core workout that will also improve your physical performance and target multiple muscle groups, then an ab roller is better than simply performing traditional crunches.


Are Ab Rollers Actually Effective?

In a 2006 research, scientists gathered to find the best abdominal exercises. Twenty-one adults participated. And at the end, power wheels were named the winner. Rollouts work up a range of muscles. It’s a compound exercise that’s more effective than traditional planks and crunches.

Are Ab Rollers Good For Belly Fat?

Spot reduction is controversial. Our body doesn’t cut down on fat from specific parts. It’s more of a general conditioning. Saying goodbye to your love handles before doing rollers is crazy. But if youโ€™re consistent with them and have a calorie-deficit diet, your core will get powerful with abs shining through on a flat belly.

How Long Does It Take to See Results with The Ab Wheel?

For those who ask, โ€œis an ab wheel effective?,โ€ and if they are, then โ€œhow effective are ab rollers?โ€ Well, youโ€™ll get the most practical answer to your questions when you perform exercises with an ab roller 3-4 times a week.

After 4-6 weeks, youโ€™ll start noticing a difference in your core from a visual perspective. Youโ€™ll also see an incline in core strength, balance, and spine stability.

Should I Use the Ab Roller Every Day?

It is agreed that once you start seeing results, youโ€™ll be tempted to use an ab roller daily, but thatโ€™s not the best thing to do. It is recommended not to overtrain your muscles and give the body ample time to recover with adequate rest and nutrition. So, include ab roller workouts 2-4 times a week with your strength training routine.

Does Ab Roller Reduce Belly Fat?

As mentioned earlier, an ab roller will indeed help you lose your belly fat by increasing your metabolism and helping you burn more calories while toning and strengthening your muscles.

So, stay consistent with the workouts, click images within spans of weeks, and youโ€™ll see in an abs roller before and after compilation that youโ€™ve lost a significant amount of belly fat. Also, do not forget to have a good diet and ample rest.


As we come to an end, we took a look at how an ab roller works, how beneficial it is, and what kinds of hurdles it could pose for you if you do not know how to use it properly. If youโ€™re a beginner, perform these exercises under the guidance of a personal trainer, and to see the best results, be consistent and supply your body with enough nutrients and rest.

Ab rollers can help you get definition in all four layers of abdominal muscles. You have to stay deliberate and dedicated. The results will be surprising for your core and overall functional health. Tell us about your experience in the comment section. Have you attempted ab wheel exercises?

Also Read:


  1. How Effective Is an Ab Wheel Roller? 9 Benefits of Doing Ab Rollouts // Dmoose:
  2. The Ab Roller Benefits Your Core, Upper Body and Glutes (if You Follow This Guide) // Livestrong:
  3. American Council on Exercise (ACE)-sponsored Study Reveals Best and Worst Abdominal Exercises // Acefitness:
  4. Why the Ab Wheel Is Such a Challenging and Effective Workout Tool // Self:
  5. Electromyographic analysis of traditional and nontraditional abdominal exercises: implications for rehabilitation and training // PubMed:
  6. Ab Rollouts vs Pikes // Progressive Performance Personal Training:
  7. Is It Possible to Target Fat Loss to Specific Body Parts? // Healthline:
  8. Photos by KoolShooters, Pexels; Mike Gonzรกlez, Pexels; Mart Production, Pexels.

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Tanya Shaiko

Author: Tanya Shaiko
News Editor, Olympic Lifting Enthusiast

Oly Lifting Experience: 6 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 61 kg,
C&J – 78 kg

I’m Tanya, and I just can’t do without fitness. About six years ago, I got into Olympic weightlifting and instantly fell in love with it. Weightlifting is like no other sport – it’s just you versus the bar. Driven by my unwavering passion for an active lifestyle, I’ve been eager to share my personal journey and sports enthusiasm with others. As a journalist and photographer, my interests come full circle, adding an extra dimension to the news column that I curate. This way, I keep my readers updated with the latest happenings in the sports world.

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