Guides Squat Training Guides

Detailed Squat Program For Strength & Mass

Reviewed by: Oleksiy Torokhtiy (21 years of Oly Lifting experience)

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The development of power and strength in almost all sports is associated with knee and hip extension, which is why the squat program is an integral part of any strength training.

What is a squat? – Back squats are a fundamental and essential exercise for athletes in practically all sports, not just in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting. Everyone does squats; however, the loads vary depending on the athletes’ skill level, the “concept” of the training regimen, the preparatory period, and the loads.

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Squat Program Example

Depending on the stage and goals of training, the coach can set different squat purposes for the athlete, from the maximum weight to the maximum number of reps with weight equal to the athlete’s body weight.

Detailed Squat Program For Strength & Mass

Back squats exercises target the posterior chain or the back of the body, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. The core muscles and quads are also engaged.

Squat routine is a crucial component of any strength training programme because they help improve power and strength, which are related to knee and hip extension in practically all sports.

Coaches and athletes can establish several objectives for the athlete, ranging from the maximum weight to the maximum number of reps with weight equal to his body weight, depending on the goals of training. Back squat workout plan target the glutes, hamstrings, core and quads as well as the posterior chain of your body.

7 Squat Variations

1. Bench Back Squat

This exercise is wonderful for developing leg strength since it lets you use a lot of weight. To make the present workout safe and successful, it is crucial to keep in mind the technical details:

  • Always face the rack;
  • Before working with heavy bar, ensure the racks and bench are easily accessible;
  • The bench height should be at the knee joint level;
  • The optimal angle of squatting in this exercise is the thigh parallel to the floor;
  • A tight back, the shoulder blades should be brought together;
  • The bar should be well placed on the trapezium without allowing it to slip down or on the neck;
  • Look forward – this will help you to keep correct form;
  • Always go slowly until your glutes meet the bench, then quickly extend your body upward while pushing the ground via your heels.

2. Paused Back Squat

Pause squats are a multi-purpose exercise. Due to the lack of a stretch-contraction reflex in the movement, which we employ in conventional squats to overcome the “dead point,” this exercise first and foremost builds maximal strength.

Additionally, it strengthens the core, promotes mobility, which increases control in the bottom region of the squat, and enhances squatting mechanics.

Although I frequently see professional athletes pausing at the bottom point of 5-6 seconds, I suggest a 3-second pause period. Physiologically, the quadriceps may be stretched to their maximum and made to contract in about 3 seconds.

Longer pauses can be used for more core strength training, but it will not slow down the rate at which your muscles get stronger. Pause back squats are best planned during the basis period. I do not advise exceeding 5 repetitions; usually, sets of 2-3 are employed.

3. Narrow Stance Squat

In narrow stance squats, your feet should be closer together than shoulder width. The knees and feet should point in the same direction. This exercise targets the quadriceps, glutes, and adductors.

The hips are less widely spaced during narrow stance squats because they are executed with a lesser amplitude, and the main mobility and load demands are instead placed on the ankle joint. Such squats must be executed as deeply as feasible while maintaining maximal comfort and the neutral posture of the spine.

One of the key advantages of narrow squats is that most athletes see an improvement in their range of motion after 3-4 weeks. The optimal time to schedule a narrow stance squat training program is during the basic and transition phase.

I advise against employing excessive weight, as it is more useful to focus on a comfortable and regulated load and movement quality.

4. Wide Stance Squat

This exercise is a fantastic training technique for strengthening the posterior chain and using a variety of muscles that are not used as much in more narrow positions. The gluteal and femoral muscles are effectively activated when the stance is broad (about 140% of the shoulder’s width).

Moreover, these squats are common in the workout routines of bodybuilders and powerlifters as a part of ​​the squat program for mass. This exercise can also be used as an alternative by athletes whose knee ligaments get irritated as a result of big loads. 

Of course, the ideal situation would be to completely abstain from carrying any loads, but while training for significant events, it is not always feasible due to the requirement to maintain strong legs. Your shins may be kept more upright with a broader stance, which relieves pressure on your knees.

5. Three-Position Squat

The advantages of the three exercises – narrow, medium, and wide squats – are combined in this strength complex. The three-position squat will make it necessary for the athlete to breathe heavily and focus intently in order to avoid doing anything wrong or mishandling their technique. 

You will be impressed by how challenging it is and what feelings you will have in muscles the following day, even if you use a weight that is completely feasible and that you can confidently squat 10 reps in a regular back squat while only performing 2 reps of each type of squat in a row (for a total of 6).

Another effective tip is to alternate the type of stance each set. The best time to schedule this squat workout routine is during the basic phase as well as when you are adding bulk, such as when switching to a new weight class. I advise against using too much weight; instead, attempt to set 50-60% of your best BS and perform 3+3+3.

6. Goblet Squat

A goblet squat is a great option for novices who wish to perfect their movement mechanics. In addition to being a great introduction to back squats, it is an excellent exercise to perform during warm-ups and while instructing torso alignment.

7. The Zercher Squat

The Zercher squat is a well-liked exercise among strongman competitors, although lately, powerlifters and bodybuilders have turned to it as well. This squat belongs to the class of exercises known as “strange lifts.”

The lifter is squatting while simultaneously holding the weight in their arms. Being a “front-loaded” exercise, the Zercher squat places the bar in front of the body.

As the lifter attempts to keep the body from being “dragged forward,” the upper back, quadriceps, and core muscles are given more attention in these types of workouts. The shoulders and biceps are particularly stressed during the Zercher squat since the lifter is basically “carrying” the weight in their arms the entire time.

10 Benefits of Squatting

✅ Squats Improve Jump and Sprint

Squats help you jump higher and further. How? Since stronger and better-conditioned muscles produce more power, developing all of the lower extremities will increase your capacity to generate that power.

✅ Stronger Core

Here, the term “core” refers to the entire torso rather than simply the abs. The body has to work hard to be steady when moving across several planes of motion while holding weight. As a result, the entire core , which comprises the back muscles, stabilizers, obliques, and abdominal muscles, becomes stronger.

✅ Confidence Growth

Although this advantage is largely anecdotal, there is merit to the confidence that hard squats may foster. The squat strength program is incredibly hard on the body and hazardous by nature.

It requires courage and self-assurance to hold hundreds of kilograms on your shoulders and execute a deep squat. More weight on the barbell will give you more confidence.

✅ Being Able to Generate More Power

Squats improve our capacity for vertical jumps and for explosive power production during exercises like the Olympic snatch.

When we sprint, the knee and hip joints’ flexion and extension play important roles in absorbing force during jump landings, stopping during a sprint, and lifting weight. By disregarding your legs, which are the greatest section of your body, you will not acquire more power.

Oleksiy Torokhtiy squat workout

✅ Improved Flexibility and Mobility

Mobility and flexibility are not just about general ROM, but about how powerful and strong you are in certain ranges of motion. Squats enhance your capacity to, well, squat.

Squat progression programs develop joints to move across a variety of planes of motion when you practice them often. Additionally, gradually increasing load to your squats will increase your strength at the top and bottom of the movement. The power you acquire from squatting goes over into daily life.

✅ Greater Fat Burning

More muscle means more calories burned throughout the day. You will burn more calories during a back squat than, for instance, during leg extensions, since the squat simultaneously strengthens many significant muscle groups and demands much more energy to complete.

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✅ Assist in Avoiding Injuries

Most injuries sustained when moving can be attributed to weaknesses and imbalances. The squat programs for strength enhance hip and knee stability and can address many problems brought on by imbalances.

✅ Develop Stronger Joints

If you do not use it, you lose it when it concerns your joints’ ability to function. However, a consistent squats program helps to strengthen the tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles that support our squatting joints.

Natural Increase in Hormone Production

The squat routine for strength enhances the synthesis of our natural hormones, particularly growth hormone and testosterone. Most likely, it is a response to the stress of difficult movements and pressures, such as free weights.

squat pyramid

✅ Better Posture

Your posture improves when your lower body and core strength increases. Both the front and back muscles have an impact on posture, which results in a healthy physique.

When done correctly, squats can protect our hips from harm caused by activities like sitting all day. Additionally, squats strengthen our torso, preventing conditions like internal shoulder rotation and hunchback. Both squatting and stretching are essential for a better posture.

🔻12 Week Squat Program by Oleksiy Torokhtiy

Do you want to double your squat strength? In just 12 weeks, you’ll be able to boost your squat results.

This program transforms any ordinary squat into a powerful athletic movement.

Squat Strength Program

What’s included:

  • 📆 12 weeks of squat programming;
  • 🎯 Effective combination of sets, reps, and weights;
  • 🥇 Fully designed and coached by Oleksiy Torokhtiy;
  • ✅ Over 60+ movements, banded work, and weight training;
  • 🔥 Accessory work for core, joint stability and injury prevention;
  • 🏋️‍♂️ Max out on back squat and front squat at the end.

Start now and boost your squat results! 💥

7 Exercises to Improve Your Squat Results

Various exercises may be included in a program to help you become stronger, but if you want to concentrate on enhancing your squat strength, it is crucial to include some accessory exercises in your training routine.

1. Front Squats

A version of the squat called a front squat places the barbell on your front shoulder area rather than your back. This squat variant emphasizes the quadriceps more because of the bar’s placement; as a result, it may be a wonderful alternative to the standard back squat to develop leg strength and hypertrophy.

2. Split Squats

Split squats are an excellent exercise for more isolated leg muscles training. They are fantastic for any lifter but particularly useful if you have a dominant leg. Split squats can be performed with kettlebells or a barbell on the shoulders and with the front foot elevated, the back foot elevated, or no foot elevated at all.

By standing more upright, you may target your quadriceps more effectively than your glutes. If you do want to work your glutes as well, a bulgarian version split squat will help you.

3. Romanian Deadlifts

Romanian deadlifts (also known as RDL) are a type of deadlift in which you start off standing while holding the barbell, lower the weight while keeping your legs straight, and then immediately stand back up before the bar hits the floor.

Although the hamstrings are the main area affected by this exercise, it also benefits your upper and lower back, glutes, and abs.

4. Bent-Over Rows

Bent-over row or Lat Pull is a fantastic exercise that primarily targets the muscles in your upper back. It will be crucial to develop these muscles so you can generate a solid shelf for the bar to rest on during the squat. Additionally, you will be using certain core and lower back muscles, which are excellent for squat training.

5. Weighted Plank

With core engaged and a weight on your back, you execute the weighted plank while standing on toes and forearms. Increasing the weight can assist in raising awareness and better engaging the core for people who can already perform a bodyweight plank easily, even though a bodyweight plank can also be an effective workout for the core.

6. Deadbugs

Exercises like deadbugs are excellent for strengthening the core, which will make it easier for you to use the brace when squatting. You must be on your back, all four limbs in the air, and with your arms straight and your knees bent in order to execute a deadbug.

The goal of the motion is to stretch the opposing leg and arm while maintaining an engaged core. Pressing your lower back against the ground is obligatory.

7. Calf Raise

Calf raise is an effective exercise that may be performed in a variety of ways: carrying bar or dumbbells while performing them freestanding or utilizing a sitting calf raise machine or a standing calf raise machine.

Squat Programming for Beginners vs Intermediate and Advanced Lifters

How can you determine whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter? That is a good topic. The solution may alter the exercises you include in your routine, the training plan you select, and the rate at which you should put on weight when bulking or add load to the barbell.

The first and rather poor approach relies on how long one has been weightlifting. The categorization looks as follows:

  • Someone who has only recently begun lifting is considered a beginner.
  • A person who has been lifting for 6-24 months is considered an intermediate lifter.
  • One who has been training for more than 2 years is considered an advanced lifter.

These figures may now change. Sometimes only those who have been training over ten years are given the advanced title. Nevertheless, it remains a poor approach to categorize one’s lifting ability. How muscular or powerful you are might also affect your classification.

1. Programming for Beginners

Beginners are advised to perform around 4 sets x 6 reps of squats without any specifically recommended weight; instead, they should choose a load that they can manage with proper form.

doing squat

At this phase of training, the goal is technical mastery rather than weight gain. Up until they are proficient in the squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press & squat, a person is regarded as a beginner. Mostly, athletes have a squat schedule 3 times per week.

2. Programming for Intermediate

Intermediate lifters are technically skilled and know their 1 RM. The squats training load usually looks like 70-75% up to 3-4 sets x 8-10 reps. Except for the intensity of the session, there are not many differences between the beginner and intermediate programs.

For intermediate lifters, the emphasis has shifted from technique training to hypertrophy and base development. In addition, they can have more exercises. The training programs usually consist of 3-5 sessions per week.

3. Programming for Advanced

At the advanced stage, the athlete is training much harder. The majority of the foundation was developed during what ought to have been an offseason squat cycle.

Since we are preparing for a peaking block and because you need more time to peak your lifts at an advanced level, training is much heavier than it was for the intermediate for the major movement.

A lift variation comes after the main squat drill. This accessory load is used to strengthen an athlete’s particular area of weakness. On this level, athletes can train up to 5-6 times per week.

There are several good methods to categorize people as beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifters. The most common method is according to their overall strength, which includes their capacity for squatting, bench pressing, and deadlifting.

strongman squat

However, it is typically a better idea to group people according to how well they can execute the movements, such as whether they can squat properly and deeply, bench press to chest area without injuring shoulders, and deadlift with a neutral spine.

Subsequently, people may choose the lifts and programs that best suit their skills. When choosing a lift, one’s strength is significantly less important.

3 Key Factors in Squat Routine

1. Frequency

Most athletes squat a few times each week. By doing this, you will have more chances to enhance your squat technique and prepare various training adaptations, such as strength, hypertrophy, and power, for each exercise. You must be an experienced powerlifter or weightlifter if you squat more than 3 times a week.

2. Intensity

Exercise intensity is a measure of how difficult you believe your physical exertion to be at the time of the exercise to be. Various people may experience different levels of effort when engaging in the same exercise. The range of intensity training can range from 50 up to 90% of 1 RM, depending on the training target (strength, hypertrophy, or power).

3. Repetition Range

The ideal rep range for squats, if the hypertrophy is the aim, is 6 to 12, because it is simpler to accrue greater total volume, a key factor in driving muscle growth, when we execute higher repetitions.

hard training

The ideal rep range for squats is 1-5 repetitions if building leg power and strength is the aim. To adjust for overall volume, we need to additionally take sets and reps into account.

Although this rep range is not written in stone, it is typically advised since it enables one to lift weights that are difficult enough to generate significant quantities of force.

Squat Program Example

There are many squat programs variations, depending on the BIG goal: for basic leg strength, hypertrophy, leg strength for athletic performance, Olympic weightlifting, or powerlifting competitions. Each of these goals will influence the amount of load and its structure. 

How to read Olympic weightlifting training plan load

In Olympic weightlifting and strength training there is a standard form of writing planned load. Coach give a prescribtion that athletes need to do on the each training in specific way.

Let`s talke a look on certain example:

Back Squat

  • 50% of max Back Squat, 1 set / 4 reps,
  • 65% 3 sets / 4 reps,
  • 75% 1 set / 4 reps

In this specific exercise – Back Squat, athlete will do for
1 set for 4 reps on 50%, 3 sets for 4 reps on 65%, 1 set for 4 reps on 75%,

% – counts from actual 1 RM, means that if your current 1 RM 100 kg (220 lbs), athlete work 1 set for 4 reps on 50% – 50 kg (110 lbs), 3 sets for 4 reps on 65% – 65 kg (143 lbs), 1 set for 4 reps on 75% – 75 kg (165 lbs)

Here is a template:

Session 1

  • Special Warm-up (2 rounds)
  • Bodyweight Split WALK (8+8 reps)
  • Gakk SQUAT (8 reps)
  • Good Morning (8 reps) 
  • Muscle SNATCH narrow grip (3 sets / 8 reps) 
  • Back SQUAT (50% 1 set / 4 reps; 60% 1 sets / 8 reps; 70% 1 sets / 4 reps; 60% 1 sets / 8 reps; 70% 1 sets / 4 reps; 60% 1 sets / 8 reps)
  • Split SQUAT  (3 sets / 6+6 reps)
  • Long JUMP (3 sets / 6 reps)

Session 2

  • Special Warm-up (2 rounds)
  • Bodyweight Squat JUMP 6 reps
  • Elbows ROTATION 8 reps
  • Front SQUAT with straps 6 reps 
  • THRUSTER (3 sets / 8 reps)
  • Front SQUAT (50% 1 set / 4 reps; 75% 1 set / 4 reps; 85% 4 sets / 4 reps)
  • Deficit Romanian DEADLIFT + SHRUGS (3 sets / 6+6 reps)
  • Bodyweight Side SQUAT (3 sets / 12 reps)

🔻12 Week Squat Program by Oleksiy Torokhtiy

Do you want to double your squat strength? In just 12 weeks, you’ll be able to boost your squat results.

This program transforms any ordinary squat into a powerful athletic movement.

Squat Strength Program

What’s included:

  • 📆 12 weeks of squat programming;
  • 🎯 Effective combination of sets, reps, and weights;
  • 🥇 Fully designed and coached by Oleksiy Torokhtiy;
  • ✅ Over 60+ movements, banded work, and weight training;
  • 🔥 Accessory work for core, joint stability and injury prevention;
  • 🏋️‍♂️ Max out on back squat and front squat at the end.

Start now and boost your squat results! 💥

Session 3

  • Special Warm-up (2 rounds)
  • Bodyweight Duck WALK (10 reps)
  • Good Morning + SQUAT (8 reps) 
  • Core ROTATION (20 reps)
  • Muscle Tall SNATCH + OHS (3 sets / 5+5 reps)
  • Back SQUAT narrow feet (50% 1 set / 4 reps; 65% 4 sets / 4 reps)
  • Back SQUAT wide feet (50% 1 set / 6 reps; 70% 2 sets / 6 reps)
  • Long JUMP (3 sets / 6 reps)

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5 Common Squat Programming Mistakes

Effective programme design is essential to ensuring that athletes not only maximize their performance on competition day but also make constant improvement over time, avoiding plateaus, and steadily increasing the weight on the barbell.

Let’s look at a few key areas where athletes make mistakes in their training and how to start training in a more effective way to maximize long-term strength gains.

Ignoring Hypertrophy

Gaining strength can be accomplished by neural adaptations, such as improving motor unit recruitment and intermuscular coordination. Simply put, more regular practice of the squats will result in significant strength improvements.

However, these neural adaptations to strength training wear off after a while, and in order to continue making strength gains, one must make muscle hypertrophy a focus of their training. Athletes must gradually and steadily increase their overall effort in order to induce hypertrophy.

Given how effectively the body responds to stimulation, an athlete must constantly increase this stress to continue improving. In other words, ongoing hypertrophy will not happen if you are not pushing the limits of your training volume, which means you will not keep giving the body additional opportunity to develop strength.

Squats With Rack

Not Enough Exercise Variation

Exercise variety in strength training will often take the form of increasing overall strength. The primary objective of building overall strength must always be to enhance sport-specific movements, such as squat, bench, and deadlift.

This keeps the athlete from breaking the rules of specificity and guarantees that the training plan has a defined goal of improving competitive lifts. In this scenario, the assistance training starts playing  a significant role in a program. Assistance work is frequently described as activities used to increase movement power.

For instance, pause squats can help you develop a lot of static and supporting strength in the hole by preventing the stretch reflex and assisting in maintaining tightness if you regularly miss your squat at the bottom of the lift.

Individual variances play an important role as well. There are many excellent support movements available, and it is up to the lifter or their coach to identify their weak areas and apply the appropriate assistance exercises.

❌ Insufficient Frequency

Numerous research studies have looked into how training frequency affects improvements in strength and muscle mass. It was shown that athletes who spread out their training across six sessions gained greater muscle mass and strength than those who just spread it over three.

Higher frequency programmes seem to induce stronger and more hypertrophic adaptations when volume is taken into account. Theoretically, it results from more frequent peaks in protein synthesis, which promotes greater muscular development.

Squating in Gym

A bigger muscle has the capacity to generate more force. Additionally, exercising more frequently enables an athlete to practice actions that are particular to competitions, which will enhance neuromuscular adaptations and encourage more strength increases.

Forgetting About Recovery

It is easy to overlook the physical stresses and obligations that lifters face. Many athletes are already overworked and depleted from skill practice, conditioning speed training, power and strength training, and the demands of school or daily life.

Even the elite athletes frequently struggle with this problem since coaches and trainers constantly pressure them to work at higher volumes and intensities.

When it comes to enhancing performance, getting enough rest and recovery and understanding when to reduce the intensity are essential aspects that are frequently identified as qualities of outstanding coaches.

Missing out on the Smaller Muscles

Crushing big muscles while ignoring smaller muscles and stabilizers is a common situation among strength and conditioning coaches. For instance, since the hips are essential to all sports, the majority of strength trainers now recognise the value of hip training.

Unfortunately, the majority of them do not focus on foot and ankle mechanics, which severely undercuts the outcomes they are attempting to achieve in terms of power and hip function. The shoulder area and the spinal stabilizers both have similar problems.

Regardless of how powerful the larger muscle groups are, there is a high possibility that force transmission will be compromised if any of these smaller regions are weak or undertrained.

Doing Spanish Squats

Equipment You May Need for Squatting at Home

1. Lifting Shoes

You should use weightlifting shoes since they will enable you to squat down further. Shoes for weightlifting are a supportive piece of lifting equipment made to help and enhance lifting performance.

Squats, the Olympic snatch, and clean & jerk and other lower body drills where a foot wedge is wanted will often be performed with weightlifting shoes. They make it more comfortable and balanced, especially if you have limited ankle mobility. This problem is common among beginner and intermediate athletes.

weightlifting shoes

2. Belt

When lifting while standing up straight, the weightlifting belt relieves pressure on the muscles of your lower back and avoids back hyperextension when doing overhead variations of the presses and jerks.

A belt reduces lower back stress on extreme weights. However, in my opinion, a belt is not required during every session. To keep your muscles in good tone, I advise wearing a lifting belt at a percentage of your body weight or greater, even if you currently use one.

man weating warm body cold mind weight belt

3. Knee Sleeves

Knee sleeves are knee wraps made from neoprene that slip up your lower thighs to compress your knees and the muscles around them. Their normal lengths are 20 to 30 mm, and their typical thicknesses fall between three and seven mm.

Sleeves might not be able to instantly increase your squat maximum by 20 kg, but it does not imply that they are not beneficial. Neoprene sleeves do not appear to affect squat leaps, machine leg extensions, and leg press, but they do appear to slightly enhance squat one-rep maxes.

The perception of knee stability may be improved by wearing knee sleeves. When lifters are developing bar confidence under larger and larger loads, this aspect could be important. The security of knee sleeves may make you feel a little more stable if you have ever attempted to squat heavily and felt unsteady as soon as you unrack.

wearing sleeve knee for squat workout

Your proprioception, or correct knowledge of the body in space, may be enhanced with knee sleeves. You may feel more confident if you are more conscious of how your body is moving. Additionally, you could learn how to remind yourself to stand up while carrying a big weight.

This is crucial for athletes who seek to increase their max squat since better weight lifters can speed up out of a hole and appear to have more squat strength.


How Do I Get Started with a Squat Program?

Just buy it and download. However you get it, make sure you follow the program faithfully and do not give up – it takes time to see results from a squat routine. Eventually, you will see an increase in muscle mass and strength and a decrease in body fat percentage. Good luck!

What Equipment Is Needed?

  • Barbell and Bumper Plates
  • Squat Rack
  • Collars
  • Straps
  • Shoulder Activation System
  • Plyometric Box (approx. 20-24 Inch)

What Amount of Progress Can I Expect to See with This Program?

You can expect to see significant progress in your squat results by using this program. Squats are a key exercise for overall strength and development, and this program is designed to help you achieve your best squat results. With regular use, you will see an increase in strength, muscle size, and endurance, so be sure to commit to the program and give it your all.

How Long Do I Have Access to This Program?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the squat program for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

What if I Have More Questions?

Leave us a comment in the section below the article!

Also Read:


  1. Jeremy R. Dicus, Samuel H. Ellestad, Jesse E. Sheaffer, Carol A. Weber, Noah C. Novak, Michael E. Holmstrup, “A Comparison of Muscle Recruitment Across Three Straight-Legged, Hinge-Pattern Resistance Training Exercises,” International Journal of Exercise Science 16, no. 4 (2023): 12-22.
  2. Jozo Grgic, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Timothy B. Davies, Bruno Lazinica, James W. Krieger, Zeljko Pedisic, “Effect of Resistance Training Frequency on Gains in Muscular Strength: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” Sports Medicine 48, no. 6 (2018): 1207-1220.
  3. Brad J. Schoenfeld, Jozo Grgic, Cody Haun, Takahiro Itagaki, Eric R. Helms, “Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription,” Sports (Basel) 7, no. 7 (2019): 177.
  4. Vegard M. Iversen, Martin Norum, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Marius S. Fimland,  “No Time to Lift? Designing Time-Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review,” Sports Med 51, no. 10 (2021): 2079-2095.
  5. All photos are made by Torokhtiy Media team.

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Sergii Putsov

Author: Sergii Putsov
Head of Sport Science, PhD

Experience: 20 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 165 kg,
C&J – 200 kg

Sergii Putsov, Ph.D., is a former professional weightlifter and National team member, achieving multiple medals in the 94 kg weight category at national competitions. With a Master’s degree in “Olympic & Professional Sport Training” and a Sport Science Ph.D. from the International Olympic Academy, Greece, Sergii now leads as the Head of Sport Science. He specializes in designing training programs, writing insightful blog articles, providing live commentary at international weightlifting events, and conducting educational seminars worldwide alongside Olympic weightlifting expert Oleksiy Torokhtiy.

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Oleksiy Torokhtiy

Reviewed by: Oleksiy Torokhtiy
Olympic Weightlifting Champion

Experience: 21 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 200 kg,
C&J – 240 kg

Oleksiy Torokhtiy is a professional athlete boasting 20 years of experience in Olympic weightlifting. With multiple European and World titles under his belt, he has showcased his prowess in two Olympic Games (Beijing 2008 and London 2012). Upon concluding his illustrious career, Oleksiy dedicated himself to coaching. By 2022, he had conducted over 200 weightlifting seminars worldwide. He is the visionary behind an international sportswear and accessories brand known for its motto, “Warm Body Cold Mind.” Additionally, he is an esteemed author and the creator of a series of training programs and eBooks.

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