Guides Exercises



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What is a Superman Exercise?

The Superman exercise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and upper back.

What Does The Superman Exercise Work?

The Superman exercise primarily targets the muscles of the lower back, glutes, and upper back, but also engages several other muscles throughout the body. Below is a detailed description of the muscles worked during the Superman exercise:

Lower back muscles: The erector spinae muscles, located on either side of the spine, are the main muscles worked during the Superman exercise. These muscles extend the spine, helping to lift the torso off the ground.

Glute muscles: The gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus muscles in the buttocks also play a significant role in the Superman exercise. These muscles work to extend the hips, helping to lift the legs off the ground.

Upper back muscles: The muscles of the upper back, including the rhomboids and trapezius muscles, are also activated during the Superman exercise. These muscles help to lift the chest off the ground and stabilize the shoulder blades.

Core muscles: The core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques, are engaged during the Superman exercise to help stabilize the spine and maintain proper form.

Shoulder muscles: The muscles of the shoulders, including the deltoids and rotator cuff muscles, also play a role in stabilizing the shoulders during the exercise.

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How To Do The Superman Exercise?

To perform the superman back exercise, follow these steps:

  1. Lie face down on a mat or the floor with your arms extended straight in front of you and your legs straight behind you.
  2. Engage your core by pulling your belly button towards your spine. This will help to protect your lower back during the exercise.
  3. Simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground as high as you can, while keeping your core engaged and your neck in a neutral position. You should feel a contraction in your lower back, glutes, and upper back muscles.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your arms, chest, and legs back down to the starting position. This is one repetition.

Tips for proper form:

  1. Keep your neck in a neutral position throughout the exercise. Avoid looking up or down, as this can strain your neck.
  2. Keep your arms and legs straight throughout the exercise, but avoid locking your elbows or knees.
  3. Avoid arching your lower back excessively during the exercise, as this can put unnecessary strain on your back muscles.
  4. Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling as you lift up and inhaling as you lower down.
  5. Start with a small range of motion and gradually increase as you build strength and flexibility.
Back Squat Female

Pros and Cons of the The Superman exercise

Pros of the Superman exercise:

Strengthening the back muscles: The Superman exercise primarily targets the muscles of the back, including the lower back, upper back, and glutes. This can help to improve posture, reduce the risk of back pain, and enhance overall back strength.

Improving core strength and stability: The Superman exercise also engages the core muscles, which can help to improve overall core strength and stability. This can be beneficial for a range of everyday activities and sports.

Enhancing balance and coordination: The Superman exercise requires coordination and balance, as you lift your arms and legs off the ground simultaneously. This can help to improve your balance and coordination over time.

Increasing flexibility: one of the superman exercise benefits is that it involves extending the spine and hips, which can help to improve flexibility in these areas. This can be particularly beneficial for people who sit for long periods of time or have tight lower back and hip muscles.

Convenience: The Superman exercise requires no equipment and can be performed anywhere, making it a convenient exercise to incorporate into your workout routine.

Cons of the Superman exercise:

Limited muscle activation: While the Superman exercise is effective at targeting the muscles of the back and core, it does not engage the entire body as much as some other exercises, such as squats or lunges.

Risk of injury: If performed incorrectly or with poor form, the Superman exercise can put unnecessary strain on the lower back and neck, leading to injury. It is important to start with a small range of motion and gradually increase as you build strength and flexibility.

Not suitable for everyone: People with certain back or neck injuries, or those with limited mobility, may not be able to perform the Superman exercise safely or comfortably.

Not a cardiovascular exercise: The Superman exercise does not provide a significant cardiovascular workout, which is important for overall health and fitness. It is best to incorporate it into a well-rounded workout routine that includes cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility work.


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Main Mistakes In The Superman Execution

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing the Superman exercise:

Arching the lower back excessively: Many people make the mistake of arching their lower back too much during the exercise, which can put unnecessary strain on the lower back muscles. To avoid this, engage your core and focus on lifting your chest, arms, and legs off the ground without overextending your lower back.

Looking up or down: Some people tilt their head up or down during the exercise, which can strain the neck muscles. To avoid this, keep your neck in a neutral position throughout the exercise, with your gaze focused on the floor.

Holding the breath: Holding your breath during the exercise can increase intra-abdominal pressure and put unnecessary strain on the body. Instead, breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling as you lift up and inhaling as you lower down.

Raising the arms and legs too high: Lifting the arms and legs too high can put excessive strain on the lower back and neck muscles. To avoid this, lift your limbs to a comfortable height, focusing on engaging the back and glutes muscles.

Rushing the exercise: Many people rush through the Superman exercise, failing to engage the muscles properly or use proper form. It’s important to take your time and perform the exercise slowly and deliberately, focusing on engaging the targeted muscles.

Failing to engage the core: The Superman exercise engages the core muscles as well as the back muscles, so it’s important to engage your core throughout the exercise. Pull your belly button towards your spine to engage your core and protect your lower back.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can perform the Superman exercise safely and effectively, helping to strengthen your back, improve your posture, and enhance your overall fitness.

Squatting by Male

Superman Variations

Here are some variations of the Superman exercise that you can try to add variety and challenge to your workout:

Single-Leg Superman: Perform the traditional Superman exercise, but lift and hold only one leg off the ground at a time, alternating between legs.

Superman with Arm and Leg Extension: Start in the Superman position, then extend your right arm and left leg straight out in front of you, hold for a few seconds, then switch sides.

Side-Lying Superman: Lie on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow, with your other arm extended along your body. Lift both legs and your upper body off the ground, holding for a few seconds before lowering down. Repeat on the other side.

Superman with Resistance Band: Wrap a resistance band around your ankles and perform the traditional Superman exercise, engaging your glutes and hamstrings to lift your legs off the ground against the resistance of the band.

Superman Swimmers: Start in the traditional Superman position, then move your arms and legs as if you were swimming, alternating between flutter kicks and breaststroke arms.

Superman with Dumbbells: Hold a pair of light dumbbells in each hand and perform the traditional Superman exercise, engaging your back muscles to lift your arms and legs off the ground while holding the weights.

Swiss Ball Superman: Lie face down on a Swiss ball with your feet on the ground, then lift your arms and legs off the ground to perform the Superman exercise, using the stability ball to challenge your balance and engage your core.

Superman Alternatives

Here are some exercises that can be used as alternatives to the Superman exercise:

Bird Dog: Start on your hands and knees, then extend your right arm and left leg straight out while keeping your core engaged. Hold for a few seconds, then switch sides. This exercise targets the same muscles as the Superman exercise while also challenging your balance and stability.

Back Extension on a Roman Chair: This exercise involves lying face down on a roman chair with your feet secured and raising your upper body, engaging your back muscles. This exercise can be a great alternative to the Superman exercise for people who want to focus more on their back muscles.

Plank: The plank is a great exercise for building core strength and stability. To perform a plank, start in a push-up position with your arms straight and your body in a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold for as long as you can while keeping your core engaged.

Cobra: Lie face down with your hands under your shoulders, and lift your chest off the ground by engaging your back muscles. This exercise can help strengthen your lower back and improve your posture.

Deadlift: The deadlift is a compound exercise that targets several muscle groups, including the back muscles, glutes, and hamstrings. To perform a deadlift, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hinge at your hips, and lift a barbell or dumbbells off the ground while keeping your back straight.

Who Should Use Superman Exercise?

The Superman exercise is a low-impact form of exercise that can be useful for individuals of any age or fitness level. Those who desire to strengthen the muscles in their back and improve their posture might benefit tremendously from doing this activity. The following are some categories of individuals who could profit from performing the Superman exercise:

People with Sedentary Jobs: Those who have jobs that require them to sit for extended periods of time, such as working at a desk or computer, may develop back discomfort and postural difficulties. The Superman exercise is one that can assist in both the strengthening of the muscles that support the spine and the general improvement of posture.

Athletes: Doing the Superman exercise is an excellent approach for athletes to increase their overall performance as well as their core stability and lower back strength. It can be of great use to athletes like runners and swimmers, as well as other athletes whose sports require them to have strong back muscles in order to compete.

Those who suffer from back pain may find that exercising and strengthening their back muscles is an excellent strategy to relieve lower back discomfort. The Superman exercise can be helpful in improving spinal alignment and lowering the chance of injury in the future.

Adults in Their Later Years: It’s possible that as we become older, we’ll face a reduction of both muscular mass and strength. The Superman exercise is a low-impact approach for elderly people to keep up their strength and flexibility or increase any of those qualities.

Anyone Looking for a Low-Impact Exercise: The Superman exercise is a low-impact movement that is gentle on the joints and can be performed anywhere, at any time, with no special equipment required. It is a terrific technique to strengthen the muscles in your back and improve your posture as a whole, making it an excellent complement to any training regimen.

What Is The Optimal Range Of Sets And Reps For Superman?

The optimal range of sets and reps for the Superman exercise will depend on your fitness level, goals, and the intensity of the exercise. However, here are some general guidelines that you can use as a starting point:

Beginners: 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps

Intermediate: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

Advanced: 4-5 sets of 12-15 reps

It’s important to note that the Superman exercise is a bodyweight exercise and may not require a lot of repetitions to be effective. Additionally, it’s crucial to focus on maintaining proper form and engaging the correct muscles during the exercise, rather than just performing a certain number of reps.

If you’re new to the exercise, start with a lower number of sets and reps and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable and stronger.

What Part Of The Training Session Is The Best For Superman?

The Superman exercise can be performed at different parts of a training session depending on your goals and the specific workout program. Here are some suggestions on when to include the Superman exercise in your training session:

As part of your warm-up: The Superman exercise can be included in your warm-up routine to activate the muscles in the lower back and prepare them for the upcoming workout. You can perform a few sets of 8-10 reps to warm up the muscles and improve circulation in that area.

As part of your strength training routine: The Superman exercise can be included as a part of your strength training routine to target the muscles in the lower back, hips, and glutes. You can perform the exercise for 2-4 sets of 10-15 reps, depending on your fitness level and the program you’re following.

As part of your cool-down routine: The Superman exercise can be included in your cool-down routine to stretch and relax the muscles in the lower back and hips. You can perform a few sets of 8-10 reps with a slower tempo and hold the position for a few seconds to stretch the muscles.

The Sample of Training Plan with Superman

It is quite a common question how to incorporate Superman into a general fitness training plan. Here is a sample training plan that includes the Superman exercise:

Day 1:

Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio (such as jogging or cycling)

Strength training:

Squats: 3 sets of 10 reps

Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

Superman exercise: 3 sets of 10 reps

Plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds

Cool-down: 10 minutes of stretching

Day 2:

Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio

Cardiovascular training:

Running: 20 minutes at a moderate pace

Cycling: 20 minutes at a moderate pace

Cool-down: 10 minutes of stretching

Day 3:

Rest day

Day 4:

Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio

Strength training:

Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10 reps

Push-ups: 3 sets of 10 reps

Superman exercise: 3 sets of 10 reps

Russian twists: 3 sets of 10 reps per side

Cool-down: 10 minutes of stretching

Day 5:

Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio

Cardiovascular training:

Swimming: 30 minutes at a moderate pace

Cool-down: 10 minutes of stretching

Day 6:

Rest day

Day 7:

Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio

Strength training:

Squats: 3 sets of 10 reps

Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

Superman exercise: 3 sets of 10 reps

Plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds

Cool-down: 10 minutes of stretching

Note: This is just a sample of superman workout, and it can be modified to fit your specific fitness goals and needs.

Depth Male Squat

What Is Better: Static Or Dynamic Superman Exercise?

Both static and dynamic Superman exercises can be effective in strengthening the muscles in the lower back and improving overall posture. The choice between the two types of exercises ultimately depends on your personal fitness goals and preferences.

Superman hold exercise involves keeping the position of lifting the arms and legs off the floor for a certain amount of time, typically anywhere from 10-30 seconds. This exercise can be beneficial for improving endurance and strengthening the muscles in the lower back, as well as promoting stability and balance.

Dynamic Superman exercise involves performing repetitions of lifting the arms and legs off the floor in a fluid, continuous motion. This exercise can be beneficial for improving flexibility, mobility, and range of motion in the lower back, as well as strengthening the muscles in that area.

So, if your goal is to improve endurance and stability, static Superman exercise may be a better option for you. On the other hand, if you want to improve flexibility and mobility, dynamic Superman exercise may be more suitable.

It’s also worth noting that both types of Superman exercise can be incorporated into a comprehensive training program to maximize the benefits for your lower back muscles and overall fitness. You can start with static Superman exercise and progress to dynamic Superman exercise as you become stronger and more comfortable with the movement.

What is the story Behind Superman Exercise?

To strengthen the muscles in the lower back, one exercise that has been done for many years is called the Superman exercise. This exercise is not overly complicated, but it is quite effective. It is uncertain when the exercise was first performed, however it is quite probable that it has been utilized in the realms of fitness and rehabilitation in some form or another for a considerable amount of time.

It is speculated that the term “Superman workout” got its name from the famous comic book superhero Superman, who had superhuman strength and the ability to fly through the air. The movement, which consists of lying on one’s back and then lifting one’s arms and legs off the ground, is given the name of the fictional figure Superman because it is intended to mimic the iconic picture of the superhero soaring into the air.

In recent years, fitness experts and fans who understand the benefits of the Superman exercise for strengthening the muscles in the lower back and improving general posture have helped to propel the exercise’s popularity. The exercise has developed over the years with a number of various variants and adaptations; nonetheless, the fundamental motion of elevating the arms and legs off the floor while simultaneously exercising the muscles in the lower back has stayed the same.

Currently, the Superman exercise is a well-known movement that is used into a wide variety of fitness programs, such as those that emphasize yoga, Pilates, and strength training. It is a straightforward and efficient strategy for improving the strength and stability of the muscles in the lower back, which in turn will encourage improved posture overall.

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Oleksiy Torokhtiy

Author: Oleksiy Torokhtiy
Olympic Weightlifting Champion

Experience: 21 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 200 kg,
C&J – 240 kg

Oleksiy Torokhtiy is a professional athlete boasting 20 years of experience in Olympic weightlifting. With multiple European and World titles under his belt, he has showcased his prowess in two Olympic Games (Beijing 2008 and London 2012). Upon concluding his illustrious career, Oleksiy dedicated himself to coaching. By 2022, he had conducted over 200 weightlifting seminars worldwide. He is the visionary behind an international sportswear and accessories brand known for its motto, “Warm Body Cold Mind.” Additionally, he is an esteemed author and the creator of a series of training programs and eBooks.

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