Powerlifting News

Patricia Johnson (+84 kg сategory) Sets Powerlifting Records 255kg and Continues Unbeaten Streak


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The year 2023 saw one of the biggest competitions in powerlifting. Some experts say it was actually the biggest of them all. We’re talking about the senior IPF competition that took place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The athletes who participated there from October 8 to 15 showed great results and a good show for the spectators that we won’t forget for a long time. There were some of the most outstanding performances, but we decided to highlight Patricia Johnson

In this competition she competed in the raw +84 kg category. She was able to set world records when she competed in the Masters 2 age category (50-59 years old). There were two of them: in the bench press and in the combined total of the two lifts. 

Patricia Johnson (left) provides an interview after the competition

What is amazing is the fact that Patricia almost reached the other records. She could have set three records at once, but squats were not given for that. She probably threw all her efforts precisely on two positions to get the exact world recognition. In the end, she still looked very energetic after setting the record, so she probably could have touched a third world record as well.

Let’s look at the numbers now. Patricia Johnson set a world record in her age category in the deadlift on her first attempt. She squeezed out 231 kilograms without any effort! Still on the third attempt she was able to lift even more and the mark stopped at 255 kilograms. This is an absolute record. 

New Straps V2 - WBCM

The last world record belonged to Manaena Sonia. She was in the same age and weight category. She was only able to lift 230 kg. Her record stood for about 10 years and was broken today. 

Patricia Johnson was born in 1970 and since then she has not given up the sport, creating all new hard conditions for rapid growth. Today, she is considered one of the best athletes in her weight and age category. During the competition, she did not fail a single attempt, which caused respect among the audience. By the way, what is the second record? Patricia Johnson has a total iron squeezed weight of 575 kg. How much was the last record holder? 132 kilograms less! This allowed her to get another win and a world record.

This is the athlete’s eleventh performance and eleventh victory in a row. She still does not know a single defeat, which causes genuine respect among the audience. Not only is she an athlete, but she has also earned a doctorate in education. This amazing person is writing herself into the history of sports with each passing day and we wish a lot of luck in doing so.

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Tanya Shaiko

Author: Tanya Shaiko
News Editor, Olympic Lifting Enthusiast

Oly Lifting Experience: 6 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 61 kg,
C&J – 78 kg

I’m Tanya, and I just can’t do without fitness. About six years ago, I got into Olympic weightlifting and instantly fell in love with it. Weightlifting is like no other sport – it’s just you versus the bar. Driven by my unwavering passion for an active lifestyle, I’ve been eager to share my personal journey and sports enthusiasm with others. As a journalist and photographer, my interests come full circle, adding an extra dimension to the news column that I curate. This way, I keep my readers updated with the latest happenings in the sports world.

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